
Teaching Children to Manage Their Emotions
video series


How to Help a Child Who Is Anxious or Depressed

In video three, Cherilyn Orr explains how thinking about the red, yellow and green brain states will help guide you as you wrestle with how to help a child who is anxious or depressed and perhaps spends hours alone in their room on their cellphone or computer.

Get more out of this series!

After watching video three, consider taking these steps to get the most out of this part of the series: 

// Step 1

Read and meditate on these Scripture verses: “The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” (Proverbs 12:18 NIV)

// Step 2

Answer these discussion questions:

    1. Was the 5/10/5 rule new to you? What steps can you take to ensure you invest at least 20 minutes each day in strengthening your relationship with each of your children?
    2. Where have you seen instances in your home of a child going into “flight” or “freeze” mode?
    3. Based on what you’ve learned from this video and the scenarios you identified in question two, how would you help your child the next time they are feeling anxious?

// Step 3

Spend time in prayer:

Dear Father,
Please forgive us for the times when we’ve responded to our children’s behaviour in ways that have not recognized the depth of their distress, but have left them feeling alone and misunderstood.
Help us build a beautiful, trust-based relationship with each of our kids, so they will be inclined to share their doubts and fears with us, and so we can help and guide them appropriately.
As we parent our kids, show us how we can help them feel confident and capable, with a sense of optimism about their future.
Most importantly, show us how we can help our kids feel confident in you – that you love them, and will help them build a satisfying, meaningful life.

// Step 4

Read the articleSimple habits that help your kids love you – and listen to you” that discusses the importance of finding time to connect with your child each day and simply enjoy them.

// Step 5

Visit our series pagesAnxiety in kids and teens” and “Depression” to find collections of articles and broadcasts on how to help an anxious child or a child who is depressed.