Helping Young Adults Thrive

Helping Young Adults Thrive PDF booklet

One of the most common calls to our counselling team is from parents of young adult children. No longer do you have full control over your child’s choices – what they wear, what they eat, where they’re going, or who they’re with. As young adults, they have full independence, especially if they’ve moved out. Although, if they’re living at home – or even moved back home after they’ve lived on their own – that relationship, too, can be fraught with challenges. 


To help you with this unique stage of parenting, we’ve put together a free 16-page PDF booklet on this very topic. Helping Young Adults Thrive offers expert advice to help you navigate issues like knowing the right (and wrong) things to say, setting boundaries with housing and finances, dealing with faith deconstruction, and navigating family estrangement. 

Fill out the form below and you’ll receive an email with a link to the free 16-page booklet.


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