
Creating Healthy Beginnings for Young Children video series

Over the last few decades, we’ve made significant breakthroughs in our understanding of children’s emotional needs.

Most importantly for parents, we’ve learned how you can lay a foundation, as you parent, that will profoundly boost your child’s emotional well-being both now and lasting into their future.

In this free, six-part video series, Focus on the Family Canada counsellor Luke Campbell will explain how you can adjust your parenting to ensure that you are intentionally nurturing the emotional wellness your child needs.

As you do that, you’ll give your child an amazing gift, because the benefits of this emotionally healthy start in life will be far-reaching for your child. In essence, you’ll give them a positive model for all their interpersonal relationships in the future. You’ll be improving your child’s future enjoyment of school and the workplace, their ability to build close friendships and a fulfilling marriage, and even their ability to trust God as their heavenly Father.

In the short-term, you’ll enjoy some benefits too: your child is likely to become more cooperative and more willing to reveal their innermost thoughts and fears, and you’ll be able to parent with confidence and simply enjoy your child more.

The six short videos cover the following topics:

Video 1: Helping Your Child by Caring for Yourself

Video 2: Understanding Healthy Attachment

Video 3: Being Mindful of Our Messages

Video 4: Answering the Question Am I Safe?

Video 5: Answering the Question Am I Loveable?

Video 6: Final Thoughts

Just fill out the form below so we can send you a link to the entire six-part series today for FREE.

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