Empowered to Love book by Robert s. Paul, MS ad Tara Lalonde, Phd. Discover what self-care can do for your marriage

Introducing Empowered to Love: Chapter 1

When life throws us non-stop challenges and curveballs, how can we have any hope of building a fulfilling and intimate marriage? How do we move from stressed and stretched to energized and inspired, finding the strength to transform both our lives and relationship?


Uncover the key to a fulfilling, God-honouring marriage

In Empowered to Love, authors Dr. Robert Paul and Tara Lalonde, PhD, equip husbands and wives with practical, biblically based tools to transform their personal lives and grow their marriage into something they’ll both love. Couples will actively embark on a journey of caring for themselves and their most important relationship.

What you’ll discover in Empowered to Love:

  • Practical strategies for better self-care: Bring the best, healthiest and most whole version of you to your marriage.
  • Thought-provoking exercises: Empower yourself as an individual while fostering deeper connections with your spouse.
  • Increased romance: Pursue and significantly increase the romance in your marriage.
  • Real stories of transformation: Learn stories from couples that will help you identify what relationship strategies work best.
  • Insights on forgiveness and responsibility: Understand your role as a spouse and how to care for your emotions.

Ready to start transforming your marriage?

Sign up now to receive the first chapter of Empowered to Love for free and begin your journey towards a fulfilling, God-honouring marriage today.


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